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Sonic BODY

biofield tuning


private session

private session

for couples, families, and corporate groups

contact nikki

A relaxing, refreshing. somatic-oriented session which uses tuning forks to flush the body's meridians (energy channels). This treatment is followed by on-body sound massage and other sound elements to enhance deep rest, enjoyment, introspection, and peace. An impactful way to improve energy and feel enlivened within your body!

Biofield Tuning supports clients in making lasting shifts in their emotional, mental, and physical well-being.  Using scientifically studied protocols, tuning forks activated within the energy field of the client improve equilibrium and coherence throughout the body, as sound waves clear dissonance and help to entrain and balance the nervous system. 
Seeking support for personal transformation? This is for you.

A corporate or group sound bath incorporates many instruments as well as individual on-body sound massage for those participants who would enjoy it. Group sound healing includes customized guided meditation developed in conjunction with the client. Please contact Nikki for more information.

meet your guide

connect with nikki

Nikki D’Antoni, MS is a certified health coach, personal trainer, and sound practitioner with 17 years of prior clinical experience as an allied health professional. She is the developer of Shapeshifter, a multi-sensory multi-modality energetic process for transforming negative feelings, changing habits and patterns, and overcoming personal blocks. Nikki’s current practice integrates energy and sound healing with coaching to help clients achieve their goals for self-transformation.

photography by Kelly Heck Photography 

© Nikki D’Antoni 2020-2024