
I'm devoted to helping YOU create

 in your body, in your life
& in the world...

Sound is energy in motion. Your cells have their own vibration, own frequency…they make their own music in accordance with your state of mind. Sound is also a tool. It can influence our feelings and nervous system, which in turn directly affects the physical and mental states that lead to our actions, which contribute to our life experiences. So is it possible to improve your life through the therapeutic use of sound? Yes, I believe it is.

Sound baths, also called sound journeys or sound immersions, are an invitation to turn within and play with your own internal orchestra. As feelings and thoughts move through you, be a witness and simply observe without judgment. Recognize that you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions. You can choose what to feel, how to respond to life, what you want to be. Float along with the sound. Allow it to take you where you need to go. Release and reset, restoring your clarity and centering yourself anew.

Book your in-person treatment today!

Nikki owns and practices at The Salt Sanctuary of Maryland where she performs the following sound healing sessions:

  • Sonic Body Session
  • Sound Bath for 2-8 People
  • Shapeshifter    Energy Healing

book a call


I'm devoted to helping you find (and feel) peace and joy...

here's how:

The body is built to move. Study after study shows that movement is the most potent antidote to practically every physical problem humans can have. Walking in particular has been shown to confer dramatic, measurable benefits for our mental and emotional health.

Peace Walks are a guided and meditative silent experience designed to be meaningful, enjoyable, and transformative. Each Peace Walk will begin with a short opening meditation for the creation of personal intentions and your own private prayer or mantra. 

Peace Walks as of October 2023 are focused on creating greater world peace and coherence at this time. All Peace Walks are meant to promote a calmer and clearer internal state, just one of their many rewards. All may walk with any peace in mind.

Peace Walks are free. Completion of registration and waiver are required to attend and walk with our group. Please reach out to Nikki for details and more information on Peace Walks.

join a walk


I'm devoted to helping you find (and feel) peace and joy...

here's how:

Crystalline Soma Energy Healing works with all major chakras and our subtle bodies to elicit harmony and improve well-being. This work is based on conceptualizing the Earth's crystalline grid as reflected within our physical body, its energy meridians, and what we're presently manifesting.

Crystalline Soma is particularly helpful during periods of stress, change, health challenges, and personal transformation. A customized crystal layout is completed for every client. These sessions are completed via Zoom and available to everyone, everywhere.



I'm devoted to helping you find (and feel) peace and joy...

here's how:

learn more

 sound  healing


Gain insight, support, energy

energy healing

Experience reduced anxiety and improved emotional resilience

Find deep rest, inner clarity, and more balance and harmony in relationships. 

Live life with more freedom and joy...

Feel grounded and strong during periods of growth, stress, or change

Feel more grounded, protected, energized, & aware on your path

Harmonizes and energizes major chakras and subtle bodies

Create the health, mindset, and future you desire more easily...

Intuitively selected crystals activate your personal healing

book a call


Gain insight, support, and immediately actionable tools in a laser-focused call. 

Come away from your private 15 minute call with renewed clarity, insight, and strength.

Pay as you go. One session or 100...it's up to you!

Targeted help when you need it most! Bring any health or weight challenge.


“Nikki, you worked some kind of magic on our call. Through your eyes I instantly saw myself and my behavior differently. Your questions led me to understand what I really wanted, and now gourmet ice cream is no longer my reward at the end of my workday. It’s been several weeks since I reached for it, and my cravings have completely disappeared. I feel so much better, and I’m so much happier. Thank you so much!!!”


Biofield Tuning and energy healing are modalities which have helped me tremendously, lighting a path out of confusion and exhaustion, back to myself.

What made you glow before you cared about approval? What did it feel like to be in your body before you were self-conscious? What does joy feel like?

Through subtle energy work, re-connect with your light. Reclaim your energy. Deeply value yourself. And watch dramatic improvements unfold in your mind, your relationships, your health, and your life.

Are you so overwhelmed by all the demands that you can't find yourself amidst the noise?

Are you struggling to create lasting change in your health, your weight, or your life? 

Have you been taking care of other people for so long that you aren't even sure what you really want or need?

How can you create the life you want?


to shine your light...
you must feel it first...


Spoiler Alert: This could be life-changing.

would you walk one hour for world peace?

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and receive a gift worth $50 when you sign up!

photography by Kelly Heck Photography 

© Nikki D’Antoni 2020-2024